Friday 3 June 2016

Who's Telling My Story?


Actors playing characters who are quite different from themselves like aliens, opposite sex, and from a different time period or country. It is understandable if it is not to make fun of the character the actor is playing. I do notice that producers seem to choose stereotypes when getting an actor to play such a character. It's different than "face" casting because they are choosing someone who has a different race, personality, etc. It is important for producers to know that they should know how the type of character they are creating is not going to be based off stereotypes. I think the actors in the movie were casted because of the acting skills they had in comedy. The movie did cast some Native Americans as well. I think it was acceptable to cast all the actors they chose because they were creating a stereotype movie. They even stated it. Also casting actual Native Americans can help their side.


Examples I can think of for blackfacing would be in the movie The Ridiculous 6. They have Adam Sandler who is acting as a Native American and going along with the stereotypes of Native Americans. The entire movie is based off of stereotypes, for comedy purposes. The other example I thought of is in the movie White Chicks. It's two guys who dress up as young white rich girls. They tried to make it look realistic but also it was for comedy as well. I think the actors were casted, not only because they were part for creating the movie, but because of their sense of humor. It was not intended to call down white people at all. They did go off on the stereotype for rich white girls. I think it was acceptable to cast the actors simply for the fact of comedy. It obviously wasn't meant to make fun of anybody.

Wednesday 1 June 2016

Letter to the Editor

Dear Dana E. Glauberman,

I'd like to question you on how you addressed the issue of teenage pregnancy in Juno. It was a great film, however people tend to think the portrayal of teens like Juno is not as accurate. I think it's quite accurate. I understand people think the movie isn't "accurate" because what what they are use to seeing on shows such as Teen Mom. Why did the movie writers,etc. choose to portray Juno as she appeared? Is there a specific reason on why it was decided? I think it takes a turn on peoples thoughts.
As well as what are your thoughts on the situation that Juno was in, like when she had confessed to her parents and the parents reaction? I think if it were my parents, they would freak out on me and perhaps threaten the guy who was involved. I quite enjoyed the movie and found that the teens shown in it were more realistic than what is shown in reality TV shows. Hope to hear your thoughts on the topic soon.


Friday 27 May 2016

Teen Portrayal in the Media

Teens in the media have all different points of view that are shown to us as a society. We see things like the difficulty of being a teen, chances of bad habits teens can get into like drugs and pregnancy, etc. Shows like Teen Mom do not really show a real portrayal of teens. Yes there may be teens out in the world who go through what the teens in those shows are going through. In reality, we don't see many teens like that, even if they are pregnant... they act a lot differently. Teens on shows like Teen Mom are mainly acting for the cameras so they can be more "famous" and liked in society. Comparing Teen Mom to the film Juno, its quite different. In Juno, yes there's a case of teen pregnancy but it is more real than the show of real life teen pregnancy. Which I think is kind of sad. Juno has a teen where she is not like what we see on TV. She's some average kind of alternative girl who ends up pregnant. Teen Mom is more of teens who are "basic".
      Aside from teen pregnancy, Teens are shown in media through TV series' like Gossip Girl, The O.C., and Glee. These shows are all different with their own stories.They all do share the same concept of teen life. For an example, The O.C. is about two types of teen life, the main character, Ryan, is a kid who comes from a poor type of family with a sad type of living. He then sees the life of rich teens and how life is for them. It might seem like it is great to be a rich teen, but it shows that there are so many problems rich families have hidden. Glee, on the other hand, is more of the misfit teens who join glee club and are bond together through music. Some of the teens are full of different personalities in the show, which makes it more realistic in a way. Lastly, Gossip Girl is more on the dramatic side of teens. With rumors and gossip spreading around with teenagers. It happens in real life to many teens where someones personal life gets to the public.
      All these shows and movies like Juno put together a puzzle... which one of more relatable to how teens actually are? Are we really all like the teens in Teen Mom and Gossip Girl? Or are we all more like Juno? Honestly, I think teens are more portrayed realistically in the movie Juno. I come to the conclusion of that is because, no teen girl acts perfect, no not many teens girls act like they are the greatest, and most definitely not all teen girls have to impress others and have a good reputation and such. Juno is more real because it has all different points of views of teens. It has a pregnant teen who is a misfit, popular type of girls, family problems, etc. It's hard to really explain why I say Juno is the more believable until you have watched it and compare it to the rest of the shows I mentioned. Like I can say, for me, I sure do not fit into any of the other shows other than Juno... I am quite strange from a majority of teens and I can see that with Juno.

Friday 13 May 2016




- Both showing the struggles of teen pregnancy such as judgement from parents,friends,etc
- Show the real side of teens and their emotions
- Gives some information about the topic of pregnancy in either film. 

- Juno shows more of a teenager who is slightly different and not typical as opposed to Teen Mom. 
- Teen Mom members act in a certain way towards the camera for more attention. In Juno, you can tell that even if the pregnant teen is supposed to act, she is more realistic.
- Juno shows more of how teen pregnancy can change your life in school and relationship wise.
Teen Mom does show how it can affect you but is more dramatically done.

2. Does one glorify teen pregnancy more than the other?
Teen Mom glorifies teen pregnancy way more. Juno shows how stressful it is and the fact that Juno herself did not want to know how the child would develop in its future does show how it isn't glorifying it. Teen Mom is more about fame and attention.

3. Which of the two shows a more accurate portrayal of teens? Why?
Juno is more of an accurate image of teens because the way the teens are in the movie, its very common for me to see teens like that rather than the teens on teen mom. Juno is not a typical stereotyped teenager and is more real than anyone on Teen Mom. 

4. Have you seen similar characters (Juno, Vanessa, Paulie and Mark) in other films/ soap opera? Is it common to know such people in our real life? Can you guess and explain what the director actually implies?
I haven't really seen any similar characters in other films. The only one i can really think of is Secret life of an American Teenager. But even the pregnant teen in the show isn't quite like the characters in Juno. I think it is common to know people like Juno, Vanessa, Paulie, and Mark in real life. I know that I know people like them and I kind of think I'm somewhat comparable to Juno herself. I think the director is implying that teenagers are not what we see them as on such shows like Teen Mom. 

5.     5. What kind of impact do you  think the movie Juno has on teens and teen pregnancy? Why? 
I think the movie Juno can impact teens on the subject of pregnancy by showing how stressful it is for everyone. Like an example being if a teen were to not abort the child and give it up for adoption, how much stress the adoptive couple is going through. I think it puts a clue into some teens heads that if they have that stress in their life that early, they won't have any plans for their future other than kids.

Thursday 5 May 2016


          I am a societally conscious achiever. Why do I see myself as that? Well I do understand and am a person who cares about inner peace. I also do go on about the environment a lot. I try to save the environment as much as I can when possible because I know the effects it has on our health and our own world. Organic things are also what I usually go for, whether its foods, clothing, makeup, etc. Also as well being to new to being a vegan.
          However, my grandma is into what I am about, but she is more of a emulator. She is always out to try new brands and products as long as they intrigue her. She also seems that she feels more "in" when she uses new products like the new Samsung phone or something.
          Lastly, my boyfriend is a belonger. He doesn't like change at all. He is pretty weird that way. There is odd times where he will try something new but automatically not like it and go back to what he originally liked. Belongers seem hard to let them come out of their "comfort zone" with products. I think they will always stay a part of whatever company they adore.

Wednesday 4 May 2016

Teen Pregnancy Over 20 Years

Current status of teen pregnancy is USA and Canada: 30-40% of teens
5 years ago: 28.9%
10 years ago:27%
20 years ago: 22%

1. what do you notice about teen pregnancy rates over the years?
I notice that they were quite high 20 years ago and have increased a lot over time.

2. Do you notice anywhere the data changes significantly. If so why do you think that is?
It changes significantly from 20 years ago to 10 years. But also changed a lot from just 5 years ago to now. Its near 40% of teens!

3. What impact do you think TV shows like "Teen Mom" have on current teen pregnancy rates?
I think shows like that don't impact it as much. But other things like teens thinking way to early and stuff. Teens do things at the wrong times and if they end up pregnant, well it can upset them over the fact of abortions will kill an innocent child, so they allow themselves to take care of the kid instead. But then they have not much of a future if they have to start parenting at such a young age. Teens need to get things done before they think of having kids or come near to chances of pregnancy.

Teen Pregnancy in the Media Part 2

1. Does the show create a negative or positive image of teens? Explain.
 The show does create a negative and positive image of teens, I think. Some of the teens on the show can be seen as somewhat positive images because if they're looking after their kids, being responsible, and such. I do, however, feel that it is more negative to the image of teens because more people seem to think that is how all teens are these days. 

2. What effect might “Teen Mom” have on what teens consider “typical” behavior?
 The effect it might have on teens is that they can "do things" they shouldn't be doing at their age, because it may be normal in more other teens lives. It can even get into teens heads that if they end up pregnant, they can "get a spot on the show". Which is kind of sad because using pregnancy to get famous is not very smart of an idea.
3. Are “Teen Mom” viewers more likely than non-viewers to perceive teen pregnancy as acceptable or even positive? Is the “celebrity” status of the cast members (the fact that teens are seeing them everywhere in the media) a factor in this? How might this influence teens’ own behavior? (Some have suggested that watching “Teen Mom” will make girls want to become pregnant in the hopes of getting famous, since some of cast member Jenelle’s friends actually became pregnant after she did.) Might a “likeable” cast member have more influence on teens than one who is perceived as “behaving badly”?
 I feel like the viewers of the show can accept it as it is. I think they learn that its fine to have kids as a teen even though they need to be focusing on other things. I think the celebrity status of the cast can factor in it because some teens want attention and fame. It will influence a teen in some sort of way, in a way of not getting pregnant and getting pregnant. 
4. Do you think this show presents a fair and accurate view of teenagers today? Does the show promote prejudices or stereotypes of teens?
 The show does show a fair amount of accurate views on teens these days but also promotes stereotypes on teens. Older people will think all teens are about "living the lifestyle of an adult" and such. Not all teens are like this.

5. Which aspects of “Teen Mom” communicate that the show is “entertainment,” and which aspects communicate that the show is an “informative documentary”? Is a reality show like this a combination of both? Do both forms of media have equal influence on teens?
 The teen mom show as entertainment, is getting to know the cast and treating them as a character on a fictional series. They find entertainment out of he teens daily life and such. The informative documentary part just shows how hard pregnancy is and how it will effect others lives and your life as well. I think both forms do influence teens but a majority of the influence is the entertainment part.
6. If teens are viewing "Teen Mom," are they likely to believe that teen pregnancy is increasing, or that it is widespread in the U.S.? Are these things actually true?
 I think they are more likely to believe it is increasing because of new cast on the show every so often. And it is being heard in media around us as well. These things are quite true because I know of so many of my friends who have a kid or multiple kids. And these friends of mine being my age or few years younger than me. 
7. Do you think that the people on "Teen Mom" act the way they normally would or do you think they act a certain way for the cameras?
 I think they act a certain way for the cameras. If they are in pain, they might exaggerate the pain to get more attention and catch more viewers eyes. Plus they don't want to seem a certain way because it can "decrease their fame level" I guess.  

Monday 2 May 2016

Teen Pregnancy

          The article pretty much explains how the Teen Pregnancy is being glorified and more intriguing to teens. The show Teen Mom was a spin-off of 16 and Pregnant and both shows show "the moms" going through their problems of being a teen mom, how it effects them and others. It also shows a majority of their relationship issues. The shows had become an idea after the creator had read that each year, about 750,000 15-19 year olds were becoming pregnant in the United States. Which had increased a little  bit once the shows were released. That had happened because the teens were thinking it was cool and such. Another fact was that 4 in 10 teens who watch an episode of 16 and Pregnant talk about the show with a parent and more than 90% of then think teen pregnancy is harder than they had thought before watching the show.

Friday 29 April 2016

Teens And Music Industry/TV

          A majority of teens are targeted to pop music and popular teen shows. The music industry targets teens because they know teens will do like anything for pop artists,etc. Teens make the music more popular and can create more profit for companies. However, teens can be influenced through the music they enjoy, it being pop music for most teens, because it can take them and direct them in different paths. They can find more things from the music like fashions and other stuff. Its all affects their mood, fashion, and habits. It can be a positive or negative thing. But there is a lot of teens who are being targeted and get so into the music where they feel like they have to buy merchandise or their favorite musician. It is how business works with how they can make the most money out of someone and something. It won't ever stop because then how would our society "function" without having the music industry making more money and keep on creating more music for teens to enjoy.

Wednesday 27 April 2016

Teens and Media Part 2

The article has research results in it, which can make may people believing it. I don't 100% agree with it. Stereotyping a group for how they dress and appear doesn't define how they act and if they are involved in crimes. I do understand that a majority of the teen boys i see dressed in a certain way act in a way as well. But stereotyping like that can just lead to more assumptions that aren't really true.

1. Do you think teens are portrayed accurately and fairly?
   I don't think teens are portrayed accurately and fairly. I know that there is the groups of teens who do cause trouble and such and will be looked down on and that ends up generalizing all teens.

2. Does the media reinforce stereotypes? Are they realistic or fair?
   The media does reinforce stereotypes and they aren't very fair. Not every teen is how they say. Most teens can be like that but they should stop generalizing all teens as of being one way. It can be realistic because there is results showing that most boys looking a certain way can be more involved in crimes.

3. Are the teens you see on TV like you?
   I don't really know... I don't really pay attention to TV but I know most teens I see on TV are typical teenagers. I am not very typical. I can say I'm more of an outcast and don't care for much things at all.

Monday 25 April 2016

Advertising and Product Placement

1.     I think movies use this kind of product placement because they want the product to be shown but also don't want all attention taken away from the film.

2.     I think it can be effective to some people but in reality, it isn't very effective anymore. Like nobody goes out and buys a drink just because it was mentioned in a movie. There might be some people out there that do that, but not many.

3.     No, I haven't been influenced to buy anything that was mentioned in a movie.

        Skyfall - Heineken 
        GoldenEye - BMW Z3
        Risky Business - Ray-Ban Wayfarer Glasses
        The Island - Xbox
        Mac and Me - Mcdonalds
        Code Gess - Pizza Hut
        The Internship - Google
        Jack and Jill - Dunkin Donuts
        Cast Away - FedEx
        Cast Away - Wilson (volleyball)

Transformers Product Placement

1.      I feel like it is a huge advertisement for companies to show off their products because the way they portray the items can tell the viewer. Plus the amount of items that are sponsored in the movie is insane and says how much of an advertisement the movie really is. You can still understand the movie and everything but once you know how many advertisements there are, it ruins a part of the movie.
2.     I think that it didn't take away the story line at all, you can still be able to watch the movie with no problem and being distracted by the products being shown. If you're trying to watch a movie, you are going to be looking and listening for the story line and understand it. Its possible for Transformers, but if you pay more attention to ads then it will definitely take away your attention to the movie.

Teens in the Media

1.      Kylie Jenner and Kendall Jenner are very popular teenagers in the media. They're mentioned just about anywhere. Through Instagram, Facebook and even in the news. They are both famous for being the daughters of Kris and Bruce (whose now Caitlyn) Jenner, part of the Kardashian family. They are labelled as teen idols in the media. Its like all teen girls are supposed to drool over their looks and fame. They shows off themselves, as most celebrities do, but its way too much. There isnt much of a difference between both Kylie and Kendall because they are exactly the same type of person. I dont think they are much of an accurate image of teens because not all teen girls are crazy over fashion and pop culture as much as they are. Myself, do not like either of the Jenners because of how they act and how girls treat them.

2.     Secret Life of an American Teenager, a very good show I use to like, and iCarly are both fairly different shows. Secret Life of an American Teenager is about a girl who ends up pregnant and much more drama occurs after that. Whereas in iCarly, its about a group of young teens, two girls and a boy, who have an internet webcast. Secret Life of an American Teenager is more on the side of real life when compared to teenagers these days. Not saying all girls are "doing things they shouldn't be doing" but it seems like a majority are. iCarly is more on the side of teens having fun and staying out of trouble. I feel like both these shows relate to all teenagers because every teen deals with a lot of life struggles and yet, can have fun and stay out of trouble. Most shows about teens are very typical and not accurate at all such as Beverly Hills 90210.

Monday 11 April 2016

Product Placement in Music Videos

1. Do you think product placement in music videos is more or less effective? Why or why not?
I think it can be more effective because music videos don't tend to have much of a story line to follow anymore these days. It is very common to see placement in pop music rather than in modern day rock music.

2. Have you ever bought a product because it was in a music video?
No I haven't but when I did see the Dr. Dre Beats Pill in Miley's video when it came out, I was like interested in the product itself. I have not bought it though.

3. Do you think the product placement takes away from the music video?
I think it does take away from the music video because people will look at whatever is being displayed by the product. Since it is a music video, they will sing along to the song and also still be able to see the products in the video.

4. Should it be allowed?
I think it can be allowed, it isn't harming anyone at all. It may ruin the video a bit and make the musician seem like a sellout but I think it's fine.

5. List 5 examples of product placement in music videos
     - Miley Cyrus- We Can't Stop ( Dr. Dre Beats Pill)
     - New Found Glory- Truck Stop Blues ( Rockstar Energy)
     - Avril Lavigne- What the Hell ( Sony Vaio Laptop, Sony flatscreen tv, her own clothing line Abbey Dawn, and a Sony Ericsson phone)
    - A Day To Remember- I'm Made of Wax Larry, What Are You Made Of? ( Rockstar Energy)

Wednesday 23 March 2016


Conair curl secret

 Who is the intended audience?
The intended audience would be teenagers and young adult girls.

How does the ad appeal to them?
This appeals to them by it being demonstrated so easily and the narrator is saying how much better it'll make your hair look and such.

3. What visual element(s) does the ad contain? How are they used? (Refer to handout).
The ad contains brightened lighting and a soft focus on the screen.

4. What story component(s) are contained in the ad? How are they used?
The story components used are setting in a darkened room focusing on the product, one character who uses the product, and subtext at the end of the ad.

5. What need(s) does the ad exploit? Explain.
I find the ad exploits that it has the needs of to make you physically attractive and feel better about yourself. They show it as if your hair isn't curled using the device, you won't "look as good".

6.   Does the ad address a social issue? How?
No it doesn't show a social issue at all.

7. In your opinion, is the ad effective? Give at least 3 specific reasons why/why not.
I think the ad is somewhat effective. It shows how the product works and that it's faster than a regular curling wand. It also shows that it can look alot better than regular curling.

Babyliss curl secret

Who is the intended audience?
The intended audience is teenage girls and young adult girls.

2. How does the ad appeal to them?
It shows demonstration and how the end result is when done using the curling device.

3. What visual element(s) does the ad contain? How are they used? (Refer to handout).
It had softened camera focus and lighting. They use it to make the ad more perfected looking.

4. What story component(s) are contained in the ad? How are they used?
They basically have the setting of a random darkened room and a girl using the product.

5. What need(s) does the ad exploit? Explain.
It shows that it'll make you more attractive and feel better about your looks.

6.   Does the ad address a social issue? How?
No it doesn't address a social issue.

7. In your opinion, is the ad effective? Give at least 3 specific reasons why/why not.
I feel like it is as effective as the other ad. They seem very similar.

8.      Which of the two ads is the most effective? Why?
I think both of them are as effective. The advertising is the same and the product is the same. I think the only difference is that one is slightly cheaper than the other.

Friday 11 March 2016

Generations of Pop Culture

     Pop culture back in the day was more interesting and better then it is now. Back when my grandmother and grandfather were my age, in around 1965, pop culture was full of mainly musicians. These musicians include, some of my favorites, The Seekers, Cilla Black, The Animals, Dusty Springfield, The Ronettes, and The Beatles. The Grateful Dead was trending in 1965 at the time because they played their first ever concert in San Francisco. Also a few popular films like The Sound of Music, The Beatles Help!, and Mary Poppins were released. One thing I find interesting which can be part of pop culture, since smoking cigarettes was a thing and commercials back then always made it look fun and good for you, was that the UK banned cigarette commercials on TV.

The Ronettes
The Rolling Stones

     Moving up from that generation, my dad when he was 17, in 1990, pop culture was still big in music with people such as Mariah Carey, The B-52's, Vanilla Ice, Aerosmith, Billy Joel (one of my favorites, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Whitney Houston, and so on. A huge thing that had hit pop culture was when Milli Vanilli's producer had announced that the duo had been lip syncing and not even using their own voices on the recording albums. Movies like Edward Scissorhands and Home Alone were also released.

Foo Fighters

Stone Temple Pilots

     Now when my mom was 17, in 1999, pop culture had changed even more. More music that I do prefer to listen to quite often was introduced like Korn, Blink 182, Limp Bizkit, Foo Fighters and so on. There was still "pop" singers like Christina Aguilera, Backstreet Boys, Eminem, Cher,etc. Much better TV shows were a big thing in this year like South Park (childhood favorite), The Simpsons, That 70's Show, etc. Also in 1999, my favorite movies like American Pie, South Park: Bigger, Longer, and Uncut, and Austin Powers came out.

Britney Spears

       I have noticed pop culture for the different years all have lots of famous musicians in common. It was one of the biggest things and still is to this day. I am not really surprised other than the fact of how all these popular things have brought us our own generation today.

Digital Citizenship

  1. How would you define digital citizenship? What does that even mean?  
I would define digital citizenship as using social media in the right way. It means that we can use social media and such but we cannot post inappropriate content on the websites. 

2When using social media, would you consider yourself a good “digital citizen?” Do you use social media to post positive things about yourself and others?
    I think I would be considered a good citizen... I do use bad language but that doesn't make me a bad person? Its only language, unless it is targeting towards someone or something. I do not target anybody on social media or in general. I post somewhat positive things and well mainly use social media to talk to people that I know. 

  3. Is our school’s “digital citizenship” practice a pass or fail?
    I think ours is both a pass and a fail. I know most students in every school have bad ways of being on social media and can make the school look bad. 

   4Rate our school using the rubric at the bottom of the post – what number would we get?
     I think our school is at a 2 on the chart. 

    5. What could we do differently?
      I think we could always set out like a list of "punishments" if anything you post on social media is inappropriate and can be linked to the school in any way. Only if it is effecting the school then it should be dealt with by the school.

Friday 26 February 2016

My Digital Footprint

The see that a small percent of people had the same answer I had was quite interesting. After answering the questions, the website has a few paragraphs written based on your answers that are somewhat giving you advice. I think that is pretty cool. I took the scenario 2 and then did asses myself, I seem to have not gotten a result. But the scenario I chose I ended up " going into web designing classes" because I couldn't apparently figure out how to create a website.
I think this website is quite interesting though. It has different things and the choices you make, change your end result. It also had asked me a question about my profile pictures on my social networking sites. I am perfectly fine with all my pictures that I have, it is something I can " show to my grandmother" as the site says. I don't, however, plan on changing my digital footprint.

Assignment: Concept Map, Poster, Survey

 Concept Map:

Digital Poster:

Saved as a picture in Powerpoint.


Tuesday 23 February 2016

Grandparent in their sixties with today's media

These days I hear and see youngsters watching movies like This Is The End and The Interview. Movies that have no actual lesson that needs to be learned or anything serious. I don't think its completely terrible for them to be watching movies like that but there is so much more that they can watch that may end up benefiting their lives somehow. Same thing goes with music, I don't agree on the music such as Ariana Grande or The Weeknd because it has no meaning or talent behind it. Its repetitive words that either make no sense or are subjected to things such as partying. I think music should have lyrics that are actually meaningful and aren't like everyone else's songs. The same types of factors go towards television that young ones are watching. Some of it is not beneficial at all, but there is stuff that actually teaches you something like documentaries or anything historic. Social media such as Facebook or Instagram are more negative on peoples futures than they are positive. This is because of what people seem to post on these websites that have other people conflicting about it in the comments. Lastly, simple things that everyone sees everyday like advertisements on billboards can effect younger ones. Some advertisements will make some people feel like they need to look a specific way in order to be accepted into anything. I am not trying to be the stereotypical grandparent who is all against everything that happens these days with teens and young adults, I am just concerned over the fact that everything seems to bring more negativity into peoples lives and such. I am all for people doing what they want and being themselves but I just have opinions on everything.

My Favorite Genre

My favorite genre of films to watch is comedy. I do love horror but I prefer comedy over anything. I enjoy comedy films because there is always the different types of comedy. There is types that are meant to be poorly acted to make it more funnier. Also types where its great acting and everything is pretty realistic and still is funny. For typical comedy movies, there is usually the "uneducated/dumb" person who is like everyone's favorite character. Then there is sometimes the "smart one" who likes to be technical with everything and get on peoples nerves. The list can go on and on with different types of characters in these films.
 Action wise in comedy can vary. For example the movie Due Date, the most "intense" action in that movie would probably be the car accident scene. Comedy doesn't usually have a lot of intense action, I've noticed anyways.The action can also take place in either a awkward/odd location or even in a suitable location.
The endings of comedy films can also vary. Sometimes they might end up with a huge plot twist at the end that may or may not have been expected to happen. They can also, typically, have a happy type of ending.