Friday 11 March 2016

Digital Citizenship

  1. How would you define digital citizenship? What does that even mean?  
I would define digital citizenship as using social media in the right way. It means that we can use social media and such but we cannot post inappropriate content on the websites. 

2When using social media, would you consider yourself a good “digital citizen?” Do you use social media to post positive things about yourself and others?
    I think I would be considered a good citizen... I do use bad language but that doesn't make me a bad person? Its only language, unless it is targeting towards someone or something. I do not target anybody on social media or in general. I post somewhat positive things and well mainly use social media to talk to people that I know. 

  3. Is our school’s “digital citizenship” practice a pass or fail?
    I think ours is both a pass and a fail. I know most students in every school have bad ways of being on social media and can make the school look bad. 

   4Rate our school using the rubric at the bottom of the post – what number would we get?
     I think our school is at a 2 on the chart. 

    5. What could we do differently?
      I think we could always set out like a list of "punishments" if anything you post on social media is inappropriate and can be linked to the school in any way. Only if it is effecting the school then it should be dealt with by the school.

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