Friday 13 May 2016




- Both showing the struggles of teen pregnancy such as judgement from parents,friends,etc
- Show the real side of teens and their emotions
- Gives some information about the topic of pregnancy in either film. 

- Juno shows more of a teenager who is slightly different and not typical as opposed to Teen Mom. 
- Teen Mom members act in a certain way towards the camera for more attention. In Juno, you can tell that even if the pregnant teen is supposed to act, she is more realistic.
- Juno shows more of how teen pregnancy can change your life in school and relationship wise.
Teen Mom does show how it can affect you but is more dramatically done.

2. Does one glorify teen pregnancy more than the other?
Teen Mom glorifies teen pregnancy way more. Juno shows how stressful it is and the fact that Juno herself did not want to know how the child would develop in its future does show how it isn't glorifying it. Teen Mom is more about fame and attention.

3. Which of the two shows a more accurate portrayal of teens? Why?
Juno is more of an accurate image of teens because the way the teens are in the movie, its very common for me to see teens like that rather than the teens on teen mom. Juno is not a typical stereotyped teenager and is more real than anyone on Teen Mom. 

4. Have you seen similar characters (Juno, Vanessa, Paulie and Mark) in other films/ soap opera? Is it common to know such people in our real life? Can you guess and explain what the director actually implies?
I haven't really seen any similar characters in other films. The only one i can really think of is Secret life of an American Teenager. But even the pregnant teen in the show isn't quite like the characters in Juno. I think it is common to know people like Juno, Vanessa, Paulie, and Mark in real life. I know that I know people like them and I kind of think I'm somewhat comparable to Juno herself. I think the director is implying that teenagers are not what we see them as on such shows like Teen Mom. 

5.     5. What kind of impact do you  think the movie Juno has on teens and teen pregnancy? Why? 
I think the movie Juno can impact teens on the subject of pregnancy by showing how stressful it is for everyone. Like an example being if a teen were to not abort the child and give it up for adoption, how much stress the adoptive couple is going through. I think it puts a clue into some teens heads that if they have that stress in their life that early, they won't have any plans for their future other than kids.

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